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Trust God Without Doubt | Ericaism

griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne


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Today’s Ericaism is all about “Trusting God Without Doubt.”

There was a movie some years ago I believe it was 2016 called Reasonable Doubt a thriller suspense movie.  But I think about reasonable doubt when it comes to believers.

Y’all know the enemy don’t have no new tricks, the same thing he did to Eve is what he’s still doing today.  You know when God said you shall surely die if you eat from the tree of good and evil?  And Satan came and said, you shall not surely die right, and that that small bit of doubt of wondering about if you will and did he really say caused her to forfeit.  The beauty and blessing of humanity being without fear and without sin and without the devastation and all the things that come with it.  And so it wasn’t that she would die of physical death but the spiritual death of being connected to the Father in this heavenly kind of existence.  Where you have no worry or concept of fear or doubt.



God gave us free choice and guess what some people don’t choose Jesus.  But I thank God for Jesus who still covers us and still protects us and still keeps us.  And just because you’ve lost someone, it didn’t mean God didn’t keep you just because you’ve gone through devastation.  That didn’t mean God didn’t keep you, that’s a part of life what I know and this is.  What I tell people even if I lose everything God will give it back to me.  Even if I’m sick that’s God’s opportunity to heal me.  Even if something happens to my child that’s God’s opportunity for a miracle.  Even if I lose it all that’s God’s opportunity to do something great in my life even.  Even though I didn’t have the things that I thought I needed trust God point blank.

Don’t let the enemy steal your joy stand in faith and know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask think or imagine


Trust God Without Doubt | Ericaism  was originally published on