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On August 9th many enjoy their favorite dish on National Rice Pudding Day.

A variety of recipes exist for rice pudding. All of them include cooked rice as the base ingredient and combine a milk (such as cow’s, coconut, evaporated or cream) with bread. Sugar, molasses or honey gives the pudding a sweet taste along with other flavors such as vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Eggs hold the dish together and butter gives it a rich, creamy consistency.

While many enjoy rice pudding as a dessert, it’s also ideal for breakfast or as a side dish. Add fruit, nuts, raisins or enjoy it with whipped cream. Since there are so many recipes for rice pudding, the opportunity to sample more than one presents itself

Dating back to the Tudor period, the earliest rice pudding recipes were called white pot.  One of the first-known methods was written down by Gervase Markham in 1615.

After being baked, serve the pudding hot or cold. Add fresh fruit, nuts or whipped topping. However, raisins are traditional. Other spices, such as nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, and even cayenne, add variety to rice pudding recipes. Citrus zests bring brightness to the dessert that can at times be rich and heavy to the palate.  Although most recipes call for sugar, alternatives include monk fruit, agave syrup or palm sugar.

HOW TO OBSERVE #  National Rice Pudding Day

Have fun in the kitchen by trying this Rice Pudding Recipe and then share it with your family and friends!  Have a rice pudding bake-off and relish tasting the different recipes. Bake one large batch and offer a buffet of toppings. If there are any leftovers, server them up on Lazy Day! Use #NationalRicePuddingDay to post on social media.

source:  National Day Calendar