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Praying to God helps the lives of all those who believe

Dear Lord, my heart is heavy with worry. These days have been hard and I begin to wonder why I am here. Please be with me and take these troubles from me. Please help me see that you are always there for me and will always be my protector. Amen

If you or a family member is in need of prayer, You are not walking a lonely course, but rather holding hands with those who care. Christ loves everyone and is filled with happiness when they are praying together online or in church.

Allow the Lord to enter your heart and you will be rewarded here, and in Heaven. If you need to find a stronger connection to God, pray for faith or make a prayer request for well being.

Healing is a long process that begins with prayer and faith. The Bible tells us what we must do, and we must have the strength to come together in Holy worship.

Jesus loves every one of us as if there’s only one of us!

It is our religion that binds us together as humans on this Earth. God Blesses!!!

“Try to see the beauty in your won backyard, to notice the miracles of everyday life.” Gloria Gaither