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Hair is a important part of any woman’s ensemble.  Many women are obsess with their tresses and keep a standing weekly appointment with their stylist to maintain their look.  Others battle with their hair everyday to maintain a healthy and presentable style.  Having healthy hair is priority. Our manes are our crown of glory.  Here’s a few easy and simple ways to keep our hair healthy:

1.  Avoid harsh shampoos that strip the strands, especially those that contain sodium sulfates in their ingredients. Use conditioners that are advertised to add elasticity and moisture to the hair. Try to use a deep conditioner once every two weeks.

2. Find a hair moisturizer that suits you. Try natural products, such Shea butter, to soften the hair. You can add oils of your choice to the Shea butter that will best match your hair’s needs.

3.  Reduce the use of hair relaxers, spritz and gels. These products, especially relaxers, can cause extreme damage to the hair follicles that keeps them from growing properly. The use of spritz and gels can cause the hair to harden, which makes it more likely to break. Once these areas become damaged or thinned out, they can be difficult to restore.

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